Create your Soul Fulfilling Business Being YOU✨✨
For Visionary Femmepreneurs with All the Woo!✨
*Intuit Your Gifts
*Create your Unique Business
*Attract your Soulmate Clients!
*Scale your Profit
with Rachel Balunsat
Tesse Loveless
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After creating two successful multiple 6 figure businesses, I realized something was missing. I was missing SOUL.
My first business as a world traveling, award winning wedding photojournalist was fun and rich, but mostly superficial. I enjoyed the creativity but found the overall business to be lonely and exhausting. Furthermore, when I took vacations or needed to care for a dying parent, there was no pay during my time off.
My second business I started because I was seeking support with an illness I developed with the stress of my first business. As I recovered I became a health coach with a network marketing organic superfoods company. It was deeply rewarding and fulfilling as I taught coaches how to help people support their health with nutrition. This time I discovered the rewards of being paid to deeply help transform lives both healthwise and financially. I discovered the relief of passive residual income and was able to enjoy being paid during my time off.
As my coaching expanded, I created my first course online for health practitioners and had over 90 people enroll.. Yet, I was still lacking something. As I was a reflection of a corporate enterprise I still felt the pressure to conform, and I compartmentalized my spirituality. I kind of kept my path tucked and hidden so as not to disturb anyone else's beliefs.
But all that eventually had to change as my intuition grew louder and spirit called me forth to create a new enterprise that aligned my soul and income.
I began receiving deep guidance and inspiration to teach business and to integrate my spirituality for a completely fulfilling life where my livelihood WAS my spiritual practice. I then creating my Karma Clearing workshop and soon after launched the Psychic Playground, the foundation of knowledge for all my success which sold out in 11 days from launching.
And that is where I saw the vision for Conscious Course Creatrix. The world is yearning for direction. As things are hastening, I believe it is important to choose a direction that helps humanity improve our condition and make decisions that are in alignment with nature and our well being. We must all begin to skillshare and learn to make a healthy living doing that which we are most called to from the deepest source of our being. We thrive when serving our innate purpose. And yet humanity has been all too often separated from earning a living serving from the depth of the highest spiritual purpose. All of us have a unique perspective and something to teach. Imagine a planet where everyone thrives by sharing what they know and are skilled at, no one is lacking, and everyone is fulfilled. Even the animals above and below.
This is the New Earth I dream of.
From my heart, the seed was created for OVUM - Conscious Course Creatrix . I felt a deep intuitive call to begin to teach what I know about building a successful business online, creating offers, events, courses and masterclasses, all while supporting femmepreneurs in self mastery to create and fulfill their deepest, heartfelt lives with businesses that are not work, but are expressions of their true selves in alignment with their purpose.
Her experience is deep and transformational. Working with her has revealed a myriad of gems and hidden truths about how my mind /body complex functions. One day with her helped me get further in my business than the past 3 months in the course creation program I am just completing. She is fun, generous and kind hearted. Rachel's arsenal of knowledge helps bring more peace and joy to living, building community and creating a kick ass thriving business!".
I throughly enjoyed my sessions with Rachel - she is very skilled at what she offers! I received coaching / biz mapping and transcovery.
Rachel knows what questions to ask which pulled out my dream business ideas that I had stored away. She helped create a spreadsheet mapping out steps necessary to take to create the dream. Covering details from people involved to finances, timelines and strategies…. All leading me to feel the REALness of bringing a dream into reality.
Rachel brings raw, authentic strength and clarity to her coaching sessions utilizing her knowledge base and intuitive flow. She is a joy to work with!
In transcovery, we unlocked some emotional blocks … and Rachel made this EASY to move thru with her guidance. Ultimately, connecting me with my confident and radiant self.
I highly recommend Rachel! She is a powerhouse of love and light. Well equipped to help soul-led entrepreneurs create magic! "
Site: www.RachelBalunsat.Life